
Close is an interactive installation where it invites the viewer to become part of the installation by walking towards it. The viewer will only see the effect that the installation will have by being in between the acrylic panels. The installation consists of four acrylic CNC cut panels that have geometric holes cut, tulle fabric is going from one geometric shape to the next. These acrylics panels were hung on the ceiling in a line creating the illusion that they were floating.

Acrylic Panels with tulle no.1
Acrylic Panels with tulle no.2

The interaction comes from the sensors that were attached to both computers (one on each end of the line) where each computer was projecting looping lines that created a moving image (done on processing). The reason for having two different projections was so that they merged both visuals due to the directional projection.  Once the viewer becomes closer to the piece, the visuals will change opacity (the closer you are the brighter it is) on one side and will change color on the other, depending on how close you are from the sensor.

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Far away from the artwork (Visual 1)
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Close to the artwork (Visual 1)
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Far away from the artwork (Visual 2)
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Close to the artwork (Visual 2)

These simple visual changes will create a playful interaction with the viewer, inviting them to explore the different interaction depending on their relationship with the panels on which the visuals are projection on. This project was an exploration of sensor coding as well as interactive communication.



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